Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's 2 Months He is Gone !!

Not a second, not a hour and even not a day. Its 2 months he left us all alone. These days we are missing him very badly. He was too good to everyone that his eyes say everything. Even today I cannot believe that my charming brother Anup is not with me now. Life is becoming so busy these days, but whenever he comes in my thoughts, I started feeling so much alone without him. Every time I want him to come in my dreams and just 2 days back he came. In the dream also he was not talking anything. But he was looking too cute even in my dream; I was all alone when I woke up. He was the precious asset I lost.
I am feeling that after he left, we all are looking for small small happiness, and even that is rare to be found. We are trying to accept this reality but this reality is too scary to be accepted. I am missing him more when I am sad, as he always cheered me with his wicket tension free doses. I am missing those doses as I always needed them the most. I love you my brother. Take care of yourself wherever you are. I know I can never meet you again.... Don't worry about me!!


vaishali said...

Dear lalit

Accept the fact that Anup is physically not with us but mentally you will always feel connected to him. I think you have established a very nice forum to express yourself and given opportunity to others to give their views . To continue this in anup’s memory and to guide our lives let us give each other a “thought for the day”. One can do it once a week. This way we will be visiting the blog, continue share our thoughts and let him be the founder for starting this process

I am writing what I read from osho’s preaching : “The best way is to simply surrender to existence and allow it to take you wherever it takes you; it has never taken anybody into any wrong space. It always takes you back home. When love and trust meet, their ultimate byproduct is surrender. You relax into the master, into his being, without holding anything.”

Manmeet said...

Bhiya it's true that anup will be always be alive in our thoughts as we had his immense memories with us which are giving us the strength to live and to accept the scary reality.

Anup bhai take care of your self wherever you and please don't worry about Lalit bhiya and others we all are here bounded by your lovely memories and will take care of each other. Luv you and miss you bhai.

निर्मला कपिला said...

speechless.nathing is new for saying. baut listen to vaishaly.she is right.time is alone the medicine. god bless u with courage my dear son.

शिक्षामित्र said...

May god bestow such love to all brothers.

मंजुला said...

अपनों का भुलाना नामुमकिन है मै जानती हूँ काश मेरे पास कुछ होता जिस से आपका दुःख कुछ कम कर पाती...
एक छोटी सी बात मैंने अपने गुरूजी से सुनी है .. आत्मा कभी नहीं मरती ..सरीर छोड़ कर वो lightness की तरफ उठती है अगर हम बहुत दुखी है तो हम उसे निचे के तरफ खीचते है उन्हें तकलीफ होती है इस से ....वो एक दिव्य यात्रा पर गए है ..सांसारिक दुखो को छोड़ कर ...याद रखे वो मरे नहीं है ...केवल सरीर छोड़ दिया है ...

डॉ. नूतन डिमरी गैरोला- नीति said...

as I am very much emotional .. feeling very very bad after knowing the fact ... but we are only toy in the grip of destiny and God... the thing we can do is to live with smile and happiness so that his soul remaine in peace.. and my wishes for the family to withstand this grief with courage.. .

Swarajya karun said...

मालूम नहीं था आपके यहाँ हुए इस हादसे के बारे में . आज निर्मला जी के ब्लॉग पर आया तो मालूम हुआ . अपनों से हमेशा के लिए बिछुड़ना कितना दुखद होता है, यह तो वही जानते हैं जिनके साथ ऐसा होता है. समाज तो केवल दुःख में सहभागी बन सकता है. धीरज रखें .दिवंगत आत्मा को ईश्वर शान्ति प्रदान करे , यही प्रार्थना है. मेरी संवेदनाएं आप तक और आपके परिवार तक पहुंचा रहा हूँ.