I believed you do justice and have a gracious heart;
I believed I am your best -loved child.
But today I have to ask you something:
If you wanted me to renounce the most precious gift of my life,
you could have summoned me atleast once.
You could have given me a chance to :
let me snuggle my child (anup) --only once,
let me prepare his favourite food--- only once,
let me see him licking his fingers ---only once,
let me shower all my love on him ---only once,
let me see him smiling ---only once,
let me buy him his few favourite things---only once,
let me have a stroll with him---- only once,
let me bid him a final bye----only once!
Tell me : why couldn't you let me do all these simple things and I could have lived with these memories and endured your decision .
Do you think this is justice;
do you think I can handle it!
If yes: give me a fair explanation--- Only once;
You have to confront me----ONLY ONCE !
I will accept your verdict; your power and your regulations ,
but a mother deserves to know --- why! why! why