Thursday, December 30, 2010
What we have shared and what we could not...

I met anup on the very first day at RKGIT(Our engg. college)..he was shy and he had this innocent rigid first i thought he must be very arrogant as he was not socializing with others..1st day gone night we were ragged by seniors..i was made to sing and dance whereas he was asked ugly questions...he tried his best..but seniors will be seniors...days went by and we got our hair cut done and bhought shoe with red lashes...we were looking indeed stupid...
After around 15days we were shifted to Hostel...Anup stayed with Manjul, Rahul...since Manjul was my good friend he allowed me to share a room with then we were 4 in 2 seater room..that time i didnt have much interaction with anup and found him very arrogant and we had lot of fights also over lot of unlogical things which happens at that age only...but over the time i reliazed that actually he was not arrogant he was just out of words at times but deep inside he has a big heart...u have to come closer to understand this part of his nature....once we both understood each other..then the positive energy flowing...I still remember the competition in which we won 3rd prize...we 2 were lagging behind as compared to other teams but finally we came out winning...i wish i had a camera that time to capture that moment...and then those long drives u me saxena all night around noida, ghaziabad and then morning we start wd cricket and then chole batorey..Khane Khas Chicken...those small small strategic discussion while playing TT to beat the opponent in doubles...and to my surprise it worked many a times...
We played room cricket...and many nights we had long disscussions about life, frindship..woh light band kar k dance(u, me, prabhakar)....really miss all those...
Till 2nd year we had lot of fun and 3rd year starting i suffered from zandaus it was life threating according to doctors, before my family could come in for my rescue, anup took care of me as none other than my mother itself...I still remember at night when i used to wake up he get up immedialty..and he ensured that all things i get on my bed that too for all 24hrs......I really thank anup for making me reliazed that i am special for him..before that i never had such experience.
Today this year 2010, i look at it with disspointment..we had planned so many things............we have just started to share more of our serious and responsible side....I miss you buddy........i wish we could have shared more.
Rest in Peace..